Resource Library

We publish white papers, research reports, briefs, articles, posters, infographics, and tools on topics ranging from adult dental benefits to teledentistry. Use the filters below to find resources by type or topic.

Title Topic Type Published
Lower-Income Families Still Spend More on Dental Care Access to Care, Health Equity Visual Report
The Heart of the Matter Medical-Dental Integration Visual Report
Periodontal Treatment Associated with Decreased Diabetes-Related Treatment Costs Adult Dental Benefit, Care Coordination & Interoperability, Clinical Practice, Medical-Dental Integration Journal Article
Poor Oral Health May Contribute to the Risk of Dementia Medical-Dental Integration Visual Report
An Estimated 12 Million Children and Adults Lost Medicaid Dental Insurance after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Expired Access to Care, Adult Dental Benefit, COVID-19 and Oral Health Report
Minor Restorations Decreased after Implementation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Health Equity Presentation
Implicit Bias Among Dental Professionals: A Scoping Review Health Equity Presentation
Oral Health Is Essential to Veteran Productivity and Well-Being Access to Care Visual Report
Experiences with and Outcomes of Oral Health Care Access to Care, Health Equity, Medical-Dental Integration, Minimally Invasive Care, Teledentistry, Value-Based Care Report
Value-Based Care Readiness Assessment Value-Based Care Tool
Medical Oral Expanded Care in Ohio Access to Care, Medical-Dental Integration Case Study
The Hour of Need: Productivity Time Lost Due to Urgent Oral Health Needs  Access to Care, Health Equity Visual Report
Oral-Systemic Interactions and Medical-Dental Integration: A Life Course Approach Care Coordination & Interoperability, Clinical Practice, Medical-Dental Integration, Quality Improvement Report
2023: Oral Health Among Individuals Requiring Support of a Caregiver Access to Care Presentation
2023: Beyond the Screen: How Dental Providers are Using Teledentistry to Meet Patient Needs Teledentistry Presentation
2023: Safe and Dangerous Home Remedies Used for Oral Pain and Discomfort Access to Care Presentation
Framework for Fiscal Impact Analysis of Managing Initial Caries Lesions with Noninvasive Therapies Clinical Practice, Minimally Invasive Care Journal Article
Still Searching: Meeting Oral Health Needs in Rural Settings Access to Care, Health Equity Report
Teledentistry Regulation and Policy Guidance Teledentistry Tool
Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits Offered to Specific Beneficiary Groups Adult Dental Benefit Visual Report
Discrimination and Dignity Experiences in Prior Oral Care Visits Predict Racialized Oral Health Inequities Among Nationally Representative US Adults Health Equity Journal Article
Hunger Pains: How Food Insecurity Affects Oral Health Health Equity, Medical-Dental Integration Report
Opioids for Acute and Chronic Pain When Receiving Psychiatric Medications Clinical Practice Journal Article
Uninsured and in Need Access to Care, Adult Dental Benefit Report
Medical and Dental Integration: A Need for Improved Electronic Health Records Care Coordination & Interoperability, Medical-Dental Integration Visual Report