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Value-Based Care Readiness: Your Results

Thank you for completing the initial assessment! We used those questions to determine your baseline knowledge about — and readiness to transition to — value-based care. Depending on your score, we will direct you to:

  • Additional resources to get started
  • Continue with a more in-depth survey to assess your organization’s readiness to participate in a value-based care payment model

Where Are You on the Journey to Value-Based Care?

Getting Started: Value-Based Care 101

The journey to value-based care begins with an understanding of the topic and how it applies to oral health. These resources, a collection of education, articles, and research reports, will provide you with a strong overview and invitations for deeper learning.

CareQuest Institute Resources

Additional Resources

Assess Your Readiness Across Five Dimensions

Your score indicates you are ready to complete an in-depth assessment of your organization’s readiness. The questions will evaluate your organization on five dimensions that are critical in the transition to value-based care.

Continue to the In Depth Assessment

Five Dimensions of Value-Based Care Readiness
Culture and LeadershipAssesses an organization’s ability and willingness to prepare for value-based care, evaluating the readiness and progress in operational, financial, and clinical changes necessary to support the shift to VBC.
Analytics and DataEvaluates an organization’s infrastructure and ability to gather data, measure, and monitor performance in outcomes, finance, operations, and care delivery, including interoperability.
Integrated CareEvaluates an organization’s infrastructure and capacity to provide integrated, coordinated care internally and externally, including referral processes, staffing structure, and workflows that address patients’ overall health needs and social risk factors.
Alternative PaymentAnalyzes the organization’s financial processes and systems to identify readiness for testing and adopting alternative payment models and ensuring sufficient resources to maximize capacity balancing the mission with the margin.
Prevention-Focused CareAssesses clinical care processes related to prevention, risk-based care and minimally invasive techniques and interventions aimed to prevent disease and engage patients to stay healthy and informed.