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VBC Readiness Assessment

The Value-Based Care (VBC) Readiness Assessment is designed to help dental and health care leadership teams evaluate organizational readiness to transition to a value-based care and payment model in dentistry. The results of the assessment will provide a snapshot of your organization’s current state and identify gaps in readiness. 

After completing the assessment, you will receive a "readiness score" and a learning pathway to education, resources, and tools that support your journey to value-based care

Value-Based Care Illustration

Who Should Take the Assessment?

We strongly recommend both administrative and clinical leadership complete the survey together to ensure accurate responses in all areas, including care delivery, operations, and finance.

  • Federally Qualified Health Centers 
  • Dental service organizations 
  • Hospital-based dental programs 
  • Public health departments 
  • University dental programs 
  • Dentists in private practice 
  • Physicians who provide oral health services


How much do you agree or disagree with each statement regarding your organization's readiness to implement oral health value-based care?

Questions Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree

In your opinion, at what stage is your practice in adopting these processes, policies, and procedures in the next five years?

Questions Not Considered In Discussion In Development Developed, Incompletely Deployed Fully Developed and Deployed

In your opinion, how often does your practice engage in the following?

Questions Never Sometimes About half the time Most of the time Always

Please rate your knowledge of the following:

Questions Not Knowledgeable at All Slightly Knowledgeable Moderately Knowledgeable Very Knowledgeable Extremely Knowledgeable
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