Survey for Reducing the Proportion of Older Adults with Untreated Root Surface Decay (OH-4)

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The webinar increased my knowledge on Healthy People 2030.
After attending the webinar, I am able to identify the etiology and causes of root decay.
After attending the webinar, I am able to describe the disparities that exist in older adults with untreated root decay.
After attending the webinar, I am able to explore the importance of early intervention in the treatment of root exposure.
After attending the webinar, I am able to recognize the benefits and limitations of modern surgical techniques and technologies in preventing root exposure.
After attending the webinar, I am able to implement at least one activity in the community to help reduce the proportion of older adults with untreated root surface decay.
I learned something I can apply at my organization.
How likely are you to recommend CareQuest Institute webinars to a colleague or friend? (0 = not at all likely; 10 = extremely likely)