Survey for How’s America’s Oral Health? Barriers to Care, Common Problems, and Ongoing Inequity

Would you like to receive a certificate of completion for ADA CERP continuing dental education credit?
Are you a dentist?
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What is your role?
The webinar increased my knowledge on the State of Oral Health Equity Survey.
After attending the webinar, I am able to explain the value and process of creating a nationally representative survey on oral health.
After attending the webinar, I am able to identify at least three noteworthy findings from the State of Oral Health Equity survey.
After attending the webinar, I am able to recognize the challenges many subpopulations (e.g., individuals of color, uninsured, and veterans) face when trying to access oral health.
After attending the webinar, I am able to discuss how consumer perceptions of oral health can influence advocacy, policy, technology, and clinical practice.
I learned something I can apply at my organization.
How engaging did you find the webinar?
How likely are you to recommend CareQuest Institute webinars to a colleague or friend?