
Grantee Address

Vista Community Clinic
VISTA, CA 92084-5218
United States

Vista Community Clinic (VCC) is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that has been providing medical and dental services to southern California residents for over 40 years.

This proposal is one of 10 selected finalists for the Community and Care Transformation RFP. Through this proposal, VCC is seeking to increase access to dental care, focusing on pediatric population. The proposal has three objectives: using community engagement to identify and share effective strategies, piloting several intervention activities at their Val Terrace location, and increasing the number of pediatrics patients and family member with dental homes, VCC plans to increase integrated pediatric care with their medical patient population.

With their already well-established community partners, VCC will utilize other community organizations to gain a variety of perspectives on the barriers and solutions to integrated care, establish parent focus groups to discuss patient survey results and establish tactics to overcome patient identified barriers and reestablish their Patient Advisory Committee (disbanded due to covid) to ensure continued feedback loops.

VCC will hire a Pediatric Medical and Dental Integration Navigator to lead and implement pilot activities. These activities include continued implementation of first care strategies established by PMADIC, creating and distributing educational materials to be targeted to parents of school aged children, and working with Dental, Pediatrics, Operations, Clinical Programs, Outreach, and Community Health to deploy the most promising integration strategies targeting parents of children seen at VCC.

Working with their Data Analyst in their IT Dept. VCC will administer a PMADIC developed survey and distribute to 200 parents of their pediatric patients to identify barriers to establishing a dental home, review and analyze survey results to establish policy and procedural changes needed to increase number of pediatric patients receiving dental care at VCC.

The budget for this proposal is $125,000 with $87,000 of the budget allocated toward staff time for 6 project staff, $24,000 allocated for program supplies such as community member stipends, printing, and educational materials, with the remainder of the budget contributing to indirect expenses.

Grant Date
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