Grant Project Title
DentaQuest Foundation Funding and Oral Health 2020 Emergeny Response - El Paso COVID-19 Response
Grantee Address
Paso del Norte Community Foundation
221 N. Kansas, STE 1900
El Paso, TX
United States
This investment supports Paso del Norte’s El Paso COVID-19 Response Fund, which serves the most vulnerable in the El Paso community, including homeless, elderly, and food insecure individuals in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of November 17th, there was a 7-day average COVID-19 positivity rate of 18.93%, which puts a number to the devastating impact of the pandemic. The Paso del Norte Community Foundation has been supporting homeless shelters, community health clinics, elder care services, contact tracing training, and outreach through Promotoras in their COVID-19 response. Examples of the work they have done so far include supporting the increased number of homeless shelters with food distribution, health and safety equipment, and staffing, supporting the Area Agency on Aging with health and safety needs for low-income seniors, contact tracing programs and education on COVID-19 safety protocols, and outreach through Promotoras to educate the public on current health and safety guidelines. Leadership at the Paso del Norte Community Foundation has been involved in the city and county’s COVID-19 Vulnerable Population Support Task Force to address the immediate challenges in the community. This funding of $30,000 would support the emergency COVID-19 response within El Paso’s stretched and overwhelmed healthcare system, including oxygen machines and other supplies to treat COVID patients and deter hospital admissions.
Grant Date
Grant Amount