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We invest strategically to strengthen communities and improve our systems, working to ensure better oral health for all.
We Offer Around $12 Million in Grants Every Year
Our Cross-Cutting Strategies
We pursue investment opportunities that drive progress in these five areas:
Health and Racial Equity
We fund initiatives that account for, contextualize, and address historic imbalances in power, representation, infrastructure, and outcomes within all systems.
Social Determinants of Health
We provide grants to organizations working to advance structural changes that align care, community, and policies in a way that addresses social risk factors and enables oral health value-based care.
Community-Centered Measurement
We invest in community-centered data strategies that can influence policy and compel systems change.
Learning and Capacity Building
We strengthen the ability of our partners to drive systemic change by funding multilateral learning efforts.
Innovation in Oral Health
We support oral health care delivery innovations that reduce inequities and increase parity in access and outcomes.
Who We Are
Carequest Institute for Oral Health is a nonprofit championing a more equitable future where every person can reach their full potential through excellent health.
Where can organizations apply for funding?
Organizations can apply for funding through our online grants management portal, Fluxx.
Where can organizations learn more about the grant process?
Organizations can find more information about the funding areas by visiting our grantmaking landing page or by getting in touch with a member of the CareQuest Institute grants team.
What types of organizations are eligible for funding?
CareQuest Institute makes grants to nonprofit or not-for-profit organizations in the United States and US territories. The Institute does not make grants to for-profit organizations or individuals.
Should an organization submit a full budget as a part of the concept submission?
No, you don’t need a full budget when submitting a concept, which is the first step in the proposal process. Our hope is that after any concept is approved, the process for writing and submitting a full proposal is collaborative and iterative in a way that can clarify any budget questions.
Is there a funding amount maximum and/or a range for funding?
Coming into a new year with a new strategy, we want to remain flexible in relation to minimums and maximums and consider the scope of your work as well as its alignment with our priorities.
Which organizations need to submit a concept in 2022?
We ask all interested organizations to submit a concept prior to submitting a full proposal. We are still determining the schedule for concept review in 2022.
What budget line items are eligible/not eligible for funding?
CareQuest Institute does not make grants directly to individuals and does not support capital expenses, direct service, mobile vans, or payments for procedures.
Can organizations have conversations with the grants team before applying for funding?
Absolutely! We encourage all organizations to reach out to a member of the grants team to discuss the program or project for which you are seeking funding. To connect with a team member, contact us at grants@carequest.org.
What is the OPEN Network and how do I join?
The Oral Health Progress and Equity (OPEN) Network is a network of policymakers, providers, public health activists, and grassroots organizers who are working to create a more equitable oral health care system. You can join the network by visiting their website.
Looking to Apply for a CareQuest Institute Grant?
Learn more about the two-phase grant application process and explore current and past grants.