
Grantee Address

US National Oral Health Alliance
United States

Continued funding for the US National Oral Health Alliance (The Alliance) will support the Alliance to further develop as a platform for significant impact on the issues that affect oral health through engagement, in a new way, of diverse partners and stakeholders in a national conversation about oral health. Alliance Leadership Colloquia establish the common ground necessary for improvement to occur. In addition to fostering national alignment, the Alliance serves as a model and national-level resource for the Foundation’s Oral Health 2014 grantees. The Oral Health 2014 State Alliances support state-based impact that in many ways provides the “work” of the Alliance. This Initiative is a key component of the Foundation’s systems strategy, and as the Alliance continues to grow and expand its partnerships and reach at the national level, the opportunities for lasting and systemic change will ensure that the country moves closer to equal access to care for all populations.
Grant Amount