Grantee Address
Oral Health Kansas/ American Network of Oral Health Coalitions
United States
Support to Oral Health Kansas to act as the fiscal agent for the American Network of Oral Health Coalitions (ANOHC) as they hold their third national convening, held in conjunction with the National Oral Health Conference, and focusing on a review of data available through their State Oral Health Coalition Comparison Tool, next steps in the implementation of the ACA and state exchanges, the CMS Oral Health Initiative, and the Medicaid Oral Health Learning Collaborative. This forum for the exchange of information around national-level policy issues and initiatives will enrich the oral health community across the country and foster alignment of activity to move towards a greater collective impact. The gathering provides an important opportunity for statewide oral health coalitions to develop alignment of strategy and share important practices as they work to address the significant challenges ahead around the ACA, and leverage their membership in the support and spread of several national initiatives.
Grant Amount