
Grantee Address

Tides Center/The Children's Partnership
United States

Building on the momentum and success of the work completed during the past year, this proposed grant will provide core operating support to enable The Children's Partnership (TCP) to continue to serve as a leader in children's oral health and ultimately improve the oral health of California's children through systems changes. TCP has made significant strides in: shaping how dental benefits are offered in California's Health Benefit Exchange; securing systems changes to ensure children enrolled in Medi-Cal access needed dental care; shaping how Medi-Cal-enrolled children in Los Angeles access dental care; shaping how Los Angeles Unified School District improves the oral health of its students; promoting proven, effective new models for delivering care; elevating California's dental issues in national conversations related to children's oral health; and gaining significantly increased media coverage of the oral health needs of California's underserved children and solutions to address those needs.
Grant Amount