
Grantee Address

Virginia Oral Health Coalition
United States

Continued support to the Virginia Oral Health Coalition (VAOHC) to achieve its mission of excellent oral health for all Virginians. With funding from the DentaQuest Foundation, VAOHC has grown from an all-volunteer, part-time group, to a staffed, well-respected nonprofit organization. VAOHC has a partnership base of well over 100 individuals and organizations committed to working through collective impact to address the root causes of oral health access issues in the Commonwealth. Renewed funding will allow VAOHC to continue to grow and nurture their organizational infrastructure with a focus on financial sustainability, and to continue to support the implementation of the Virginia Oral Health Plan. The Virginia Oral Health Plan was created by stakeholders, and endorsed by the VAOHC board and its partners as a road map to realizing VAOHC’s vision of excellent oral health for all Virginians.
Grant Amount