Grantee Address
Presbyterian Medical Services
United States
Support to Presbyterian Medical Services (PMS) for a one-time donation to equip a new operatory in Torrance County, a frontier county in Central New Mexico. At present, a room in the Esperanza Health Center is designated as an exam room, but has stood empty for two years, awaiting resources to outfit it. PMS designs and delivers quality, accessible, integrated health, education, and human services in response to identified community needs of the diverse cultures residing in the Southwest. Established in 1969, PMS operates a system of 39 Federally-Qualified Rural Health Centers spread across half the state of New Mexico. The addition of another dental operatory in Estancia PMS will increase the capacity of the clinic by 1,000 dental visits annually, and the waiting period for new patients could be reduced to 3 – 4 weeks.
Grant Amount