Grantee Address
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services
West Virginia
United States
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services (WVDHHS) Oral Health Program (OHP) and the WV Oral Health Coalition (OHC) will build on existing efforts to establish and enhance the infrastructure and capacity to plan, implement, and evaluate population-based prevention and health promotion programs. The OHP will expand staff structure to include an Epidemiologist, Fluoride Specialist, and Sealant Coordinator. The Epidemiologist will update the current children’s surveillance data, as well as develop and implement an oral health surveillance system. The Fluoride Specialist will work with public water systems to expand optimal Fluoride levels in private and public water supplies, educate the public on the importance of Fluoride as a preventative measure, and incorporate into practice the CDC Engineering and Administrative Recommendations for Water Fluoridation. The Sealant Coordinator will work to expand school-based sealant programs to a statewide program.
Grant Amount