Grantee Address
Michigan Oral Health Coalition
United States
Michigan Oral Health Coalition’s (MOHC) initiative will assist communities in strengthening their oral health infrastructure and expanding the number and types of health professionals providing preventive oral health services. The Coalition will apply a turn-key approach for local communities to use data to develop a strategic plan for improved oral health and overall health outcomes. A year 1 pilot in Clare County will engage stakeholders to implement new evidence-based prevention programs and strengthen the public health infrastructure. MOHC will compile and evaluate oral health and community indicators for each Michigan county; expand stakeholder engagement; evaluate the integration of the Smiles for Life Curriculum into existing CHC programs; and evaluate the need for local oral health coalitions. Clare County is one of 65 Michigan counties implementing the Healthy Kids Dental program, cited widely as an innovative model for increasing access to oral health care for Medicaid-enrolled children.
Grant Amount