
Grantee Address

Florida Public Health Institute, Inc.
United States

Funding supported the transition of the Florida statewide oral health coalition from the Florida Department of Health to an independent home within the Florida Public Health Institute (FPHI). This transition is the culmination of efforts by oral health stakeholders throughout the state to develop a coalition that can work to promote oral health funding and policy improvements that will lead to improved oral health. As the new lead, FPHI will support the statewide oral health coalition and integrate local coalitions into statewide activities. FPHI will convene an expanded statewide oral health summit to promote emerging evidence-based interventions, as well as policy development and dissemination. FPHI has successfully worked toward changed perceptions of oral health throughout Florida by establishing a communication workgroup built on common language and best practices to promote improved oral health. This laid the foundation for an expanded statewide dialog regarding oral heath issues. FPHI is well regarded and considered a local expert on oral health issues. The transition of the statewide oral health coalition to its new independent home with FPHI provides an opportunity to expand key stakeholders throughout Florida with the goal of creating sustainable change.
Grant Amount