Grantee Address
Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center
United States
Support to Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center for their Get Health Information Project (Get HIP), a summer intervention that provides 8-weeks of training in community health, health equity, and advocacy, to 10 young Men of Color. The trainings are designed and offered by Brigham and Women’s residents, public health professionals and youth workers. The overarching aim of the project is to leverage the initial investment in the young men who have already completed the program, continuing their personal development, while simultaneously catalyzing systems change. Building on the success of the past two years, Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center (SJPHC) is requesting DentaQuest to support the development of the participants and their summer imitative which will be focused entirely on oral health equity and how it relates to the other social determinates of health. The Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center (SJPHC) Get HIP initiative will develop and disseminate oral health equity messages designed for and by young Men of Color. The funding will not only support the generation of a youth-driven framework for understanding oral health inequities, but will also contribute to SJPHC’s long-term commitment to the development and mentorship of the youth health educators.
Grant Date
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