Grantee Address
Arizona Association of Community Health Centers
United States
Support to the Arizona Association of Community Health Centers (AACHC) to support a conference, focused on clinical and administrative leadership in health centers and PCAs within Region IX, entitled “Changing the Health of our Communities through Effective Partnerships”. The conference will promote leadership development through collaboration of multidisciplinary teams to address case studies focused on various healthcare delivery challenges. Funding will support the opening reception, featuring a keynote speech by the chair of the NACHC Board of Directors. An integrated learning opportunity featuring multidisciplinary collaboration will build lasting relationships in clinic leadership for participants across HRSA Region IX, leading to improved leadership capacity to better prepare them to develop integrated care programs in their CHCs. The presence of oral health within the Region IX conference is a tangible result of our Strengthening the Oral Health Safety Net Initiative. This is the first time that an integrated, multidisciplinary focus will be applied to the training delivered through the conference. With over 175 clinical and administrative leaders from health centers and PCAs throughout Region IX states, an opportunity for high impact exists by elevating the importance of oral health within the leadership of these organizations.
Grant Date
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