
Grantee Address

Connecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI)
53 Oak St.
Hartford, CT 06106
United States

COHI is the state’s primary oral health advocacy organization, and this annual meeting provides the opportunity to share the progress COHI has made as a result of CareQuest Institute’s support. Most importantly, the meeting will work to unite stakeholders cross-functionally to combat new challenges in oral health. Progress and connections made at the annual meeting will be leveraged towards advocacy in the 2024 Connecticut general assembly to provide a unified voice on important topics like:

Expanding Dental Therapy to Connecticut
Expanding Medicaid-covered services
Expanding Medicaid eligibility
Increasing resources to provide preventive services and oral health literacy to vulnerable populations

The request represents 1.5% of the organization’s budget and will designate CareQuest Institute a Platinum Oral Health Champion Sponsor. This entitles CareQuest Institute to a full-page ad in the online and print program, logo placement on the event website and all promotional materials, and recognition in the COHI annual report.

Grant Date
Grant Amount