
Grantee Address

The Fund for a Healthier Colorado
303 East 17th Ave suite 405
Denver, CO 80203
United States

Proposal Summary

The Fund for a Healthier Colorado is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that seeks to advance policy that improves the health of Colorado residents. TFHC engages their Colorado constituents by conducting voter outreach and providing easily accessible educational materials with the goal to engage Coloradans and to educate state decision makers about actions needed to improve the physical, mental, and social health of all.

With CareQuest Institute’s support in 2022, TFHC passed SB 22-219 authorizing the practice of dental therapy. Through meetings with the Colorado Dental Board, TFHC recommendations were incorporated into the final dental therapy licensing rules approved in May 2023, which uphold the policy goals of the legislation including stacking credentials for dental hygienists interested in becoming dental therapists, creating a streamlined process for dental therapists to practice under general supervision and not limiting where dental therapist can practice or who they can treat. TFHC has also been advocating for changes to the Medicaid State Plan amendment to ensure dental therapists can be reimbursed for services.

The areas of focus for this proposal are:

1. To support dental therapy implementation through partnerships with community colleges by tracking the number of dental therapists licensed in Colorado and what communities they serve, connecting with VP for Academic and Student Affairs at the CCCS to learn more about Skagit Valley College’s Dental Therapy program in WA, and to partner with CCCS and other four year institutions to convene a coalition to pass legislation in 2024 to conduct a costs analysis and feasibility study to details the cost, demand and process for establishing a dental therapy program at a community college.
2. To improve oral health equity in Colorado by advocating for increased Medicaid reimbursement rates for dental services and ensuring dental therapists are included as Medicaid eligible providers in the state’s updated Medicaid state plan amendment.
3. To increase visibility of dental therapy to the public and state policy makers by partnering with health advocacy organizations to support the 2024 legislation, educating stakeholders and the public on the benefits of dental therapy, and create a digital advocacy campaign in support of dental therapy programs.

The budget for this proposal is $99,176, which represents 1.7% of TFHC’s overall budget. Funding will support salaries, social media marketing, and costs for a Policy Consultant.

Grant Date
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