7190 Colorado Blvd
Commerce City, CO 80022
United States
Kids In Need of Dentistry (KIND) is a nonprofit that provides high-quality, affordable dental care to children in need throughout Colorado. Since 1912, KIND has helped thousands of children each year get the dental services they need at a cost their families can afford and in a culturally responsive manner.
KIND was one of two organizations selected to receive grant funding through the Oral Health Fund, a co-funding initiative led by CareQuest Institute and supported by vVARDIS, which is aimed at improving access to oral health for pediatric and Medicaid-eligible populations. In 2023, the organization conducted a strategic planning process that included community surveys with families, program partners, and oral health advocates to determine the need for a promotora program focused on oral health. Respondents confirmed this need, noting language and cultural barriers have historically been obstacles to good oral and overall health, and the KIND Hearts initiative was launched as an oral health promotora program with pathways for community members to become certified Community Dental Health Coordinators, serve as patient navigators, educators, care coordinators, and health equity advocates.
KIND has created oral health education and advocacy training materials for its promotoras and these community health leaders are participating in community oral health advocacy groups, such as the National Network of Oral Health Access (NNOHA), where they have been accepted to present jointly with the ADA on this program. In addition to increased visibility, KIND promotoras provided feedback and support to the recently passed Community Health Worker bill, signed by Governor Polis in May 2023, to allow uncertified CHWs (i.e., promotoras) to be reimbursed for their work by Medicaid. Additionally, promotoras continued this engagement in advocacy by sharing key needs for the bill’s successful implementation through the Healthcare Policy and Financing state department surveys.
KIND’s commitment to growing its base of promotoras and promoting their ability to promote oral health literacy and access through care coordination remains paramount as the organization plans to establish the first community-led oral health advocacy group in Colorado, based on the promotora-model of care. This overarching goal will require KIND staff, including promotoras, to focus on the following project areas in 2023-24:
Deepening community influence by intentionally engaging BIPOC communities beyond the Latinx population to ensure this work is representative and diverse
Increase policy influence through advocacy training, which will be built into the promotora apprenticeship program KIND offers to community members, and
Establishing and reinforcing partnerships that promote pathways into the oral health workforce through training experiences
In early 2024, KINDHearts will have evaluation and impact measures that tell a story of how the inclusion of promotoras into oral health workforce impacts the transformation of the oral health landscape in Colorado. At the end of the proposed project period, KIND will have 1) improved perceptions of dental care among children and families engaged by a promotora, 2) increased access to equitable dental care that utilizes innovative, collaborative models of care delivery, and 3) pursued dental health advocacy led by the communities KIND serves through its education and training programs.
With the passing of a state bill that allows Medicaid reimbursement for uncertified CHWs, there is a unique and timely opportunity to support KIND to play a leading role in the implementation process by the state healthcare financing department. Additionally, KIND has been asked to put forth an RFP, in partnership with other local oral health providers, to potentially house the structure of the oral health coalition within its organization and/or fiscally sponsor, which would align strongly with promotoras’ ability to influence policy and serves as a testament to the organization’s consistency and leadership in the state on issues of community-driven oral health.
The funding requested for this project period was $182,280, and funding is being recommended for the full amount. Project funds would be applied primarily to four staff salaries ($106,000), professional learning and leadership opportunities for promotoras, membership and conference attendance at NNOHA, and promotora apprentice compensation and honorariums for up to 20 program participants ($30,000). The proposal budget indicates strong match support for both staffing and capital expansions to support promotora programming and an evaluation plan that will inform a case study and policy toolkit asset that KIND will produce and share broadly.