Society of American Indian Dentists
230 Fairview Drive
Carson City, NV 89701
United States
The Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID) was founded in 1990 and represents American Indian/Alaska Native dentists, dental students, and dental auxiliaries in the U.S. as well as the greater needs of American Indian population which disproportionately suffers across many oral health indicators due to systemic inequities.
In its first year as a CareQuest Institute grantee, SAID improved its operational processes and structure to allow for its role in serving as a voice for AI/AN dentists across the country. Additionally, SAID established a policy and Legislative Committee that will review invitations to support legislation, regulations, and administrative policies that may affect AI/AN communities. The organization also successfully held its annual conference and saw a great attendance there. In the coming year, SAID hopes to build up their presence and recognition as an advocate on behalf of AI/AN dentists which will include oral health policy advocacy that positively impacts access to oral health for Native communities.
This proposal focuses SAID advocating on behalf of AI/AN dentists and centering AI/AN people in oral health policy through transparent, intentional focus on policy and advocacy strategies that will positively affect Native communities and align with SAID’s mission. Activities will include staff and board training, community engagement, and the development and implementation of an advocacy plan. SAID continues to be at a pivotal point in its growth as an organization, not only as a non-profit professional membership association, but also as a non-profit organization that is led by, and advances on behalf of, AI/AN people.
Grant funding will support an evaluator, board strategy planning facilitator and staff:
• Executive Director: SAID matching at 35%
• Programs Director: SAID matching at 25%
SAID currently has a total organizational budget of $289,743, which means this proposal represents about 43% of the total budget.