
Grantee Address

Santa Fe Group
531 Wedge Land
Longboar Key, FL 34228
United States

The Santa Fe Group is an action-oriented think tank with a passion to improve lives through oral health. They have been established for 25 years and have acted as a convener, communicator, connector, and catalyst to advance issues impacting oral health and overall health.

The founding member organizations of COHP included the Santa Fe Group (SFG), the American Dental Hygienists Association, the California Dental association, CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice, National Dental Association, and the Pacific Dental Services. Initial discussion led to a request to the SFG to host COHP during its formative stage. This request was granted, and modest funding was provided.

Meetings of the member organizations led to defining policy and advocacy components of COHP. Two policy documents have been commissioned (Dental care in Medicare, and Integration of oral and primary health care). Drafts of both documents have been written and are currently in a multi-step review process. The advocacy component is under discussion and is focused on collaboration with the Consortium that was established in 2016 to support expansion of "medically necessary dental care" in the Medicare program.

SFG is requesting support to allow further development of COHP, specifically to:
1. Develop documents that clearly delineate organizational principles and bylaws.
2. Obtain a certificate of incorporation and define the tax status.
3. Conduct a formal and comprehensive strategic planning process identifying individual and organizational partnerships, other policy documents to be prepared, dissemination of outputs and the specific structure of the advocacy component.
4. Hire a consultant to guide strategic planning, an advocacy coordinator, and a grant writer to assist with the preparation of proposals for sustained funding.

Future support will be sought from other funders, including the Kellogg Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. SFG believes that with a well-defined plan, COHP can play a key role in the oral health policy arena and help promote and equitable future for oral health care in the United States.

Santa Fe Group is requesting $125,000, which is approximately one-third of the organization’s overall budget. Funding will support staff time, a grant writer, and legal services, as well as a strategic planning retreat and honoraria for participation.

Grant Date
Grant Amount