
Grantee Address

Center for Health Policy Development dba National Academy for State Health Policy
Two Monument Square
Portland, ME 04101
United States

The National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) is a non-partisan organization that convenes policymakers in state governments to learn about and implement innovative solutions to health policy challenges.

NASHP’s most recent grant focused on convening state policy makers to learn from each other about social determinants/driver of health (SDOHs) and oral health through monthly workgroup meetings. The participants reported extreme value in the convenings and were particularly interested in Oregon’s dental access project and Kansas’ Community Health Worker (CHW) curriculum. NASHP also worked with Community Catalyst to introduce community engagement and equitable policy development concepts to the cohort as well and learned that oral health integration is still a challenge for many states.

The proposed project seeks to advance integrated and person-centered oral health care through learning community forums for state officials from Medicaid and departments of insurance to exchange best practices in value-based care approaches to expand access to care at early stages (including MIC interventions). The purpose of this work is to reinforce the need to improve equitable access and to ensure that state officials have an opportunity to discuss and examine the impacts of oral health policies that have been passed since the pandemic began as well as implement value-driven approaches, across payer-types, moving forward. 

During the proposed grant period, NASHP’s goals are to convene officials from Medicaid and departments of insurance regularly to introduce them to emerging practices and discuss policy implementation details. These calls will be bi-monthly and will culminate in a virtual roundtable that will allow workgroup members to discuss progress. Topics will be determined by workgroup members. NASHP will also synthesize and disseminate lessons-learned from the workgroup and its ongoing engagement with MIC subject matter experts to raise awareness of value-based approaches and state efforts to increase awareness of MIC and its value to state Medicaid programs. This includes publication of up to 3 facts sheets or blogs, invitation for workgroup members to the annual conference in 2024, and a broader session on VBC or health equity. An interactive map and chart that tracks developments in state Medicaid programs and/or DOIs will also be updated and shared widely.

This proposal was submitted following an exploratory conversation with NASHP that was initiated by the CareQuest Institute Philanthropy Area of Activation with the intent of examining minimally invasive and value-based care through a payor lens. A significant challenge to the adoption of these principles of care has been the largely underdeveloped reimbursement process and initiative that could increase provider engagement and application. The original request for this proposal was $152,320, but this proposal is being recommended for grant funding of $150,000, reflecting a discussed adjustment to the travel expense originally submitted in the budget. The majority of grant funding will support staff salaries for the coordination of the learning collaborative as well as production of reporting materials in partnership with CareQuest Institute.

Grant Date
Grant Amount