American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry
3 Forester Ave
Warwick, IL
United States
The American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) is a membership organization of interdisciplinary health professionals that are committed to improving the quality of healthcare for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The organization works in education, policy, and advocacy. AADMD supports student chapters in 50 dental schools and medical schools, which aim to create a forum for training and mentorship between experienced IDD providers, entry-level clinicians, and future healthcare providers in training.
This grant, through the Executive Director’s Fund, is to support student participation in AADMD’s annual educational conference, set to be held in Orlando, Florida on June 3rd through 5th. This year is the 20th annual conference, and the conference theme is “The Way Forward to better serve our IDD patient population through advocacy, education, and health equity.” Conference agenda topics include calls to action for providers, what the pandemic taught us about IDD, advocacy and equity in IDD medicine and care, and specific topic breakouts. The conference is being held in conjunction with the Florida Special Olympics opening ceremony. The budget of $13,475 would support the student chapter representatives attending the conference, including registration and lodging for 25 students. Sponsorship from CareQuest Institute would include logo promotion in digital and video displays, an exhibitor booth upon request, two conference registrations, and a sponsor profile in the conference app.