American Network of Oral Health Coalitions
PO box 4567
Topeka, KS
United States
The American Network of Oral Health Coalitions (ANOHC) is a national network that advances coalitions’ abilities to improve oral health through policy, promoting prevention, and public education. ANOHC provides a space for state and local coalitions to share information, questions, and resources.
This grant, through the Executive Director’s Fund, is to support ANOHC’s existing Peer Support Mentoring Program, the launch of the new Emerging Coalitions Learning Collaborative, and scholarships for ANOHC’s annual meeting to be held in April 2022. The Peer Support Mentoring Program, which began in 2018, connects state members with a partner in a mentoring relationship or shared learning relationship. Members gain experience in topics like organizational and programmatic planning, grant development and fundraising, financial management, board relations, communications, lobbying and advocacy, and community engagement. The new Emerging Coalitions Learning Collaborative will support the establishment, launch, and operations of new or emerging state oral health coalitions by advancing leadership, operational, programmatic, and policy related competencies of their staff. It will also work as a networking and connections platform for new coalitions to connect. The Emerging Coalitions Learning Collaborative will offer interactive community learning calls on a bi-monthly basis that will feature subject matter experts. This new program came out of member needs surveys over the past two years.
The budget supports annual meeting costs including scholarships for members to attend, consultant costs for the Emerging Coalition Learning Collaborative and administrative work, and a small amount for website and technical costs.