Tides Center/Latino Coalition for a Healthy California
1225 8th Street Suite 375
Sacramento, CA
United States
Latino Coalition for a Healthy California is a statewide policy advocacy organization advancing and protecting Latinx health through a few main issue areas including increasing access for individuals to affordable, high quality, and culturally and linguistically appropriate health care for all.
This investment, through the Executive Director’s Fund, is to support the 2021 Virtual Latinx Health Policy Summit, which brings together decision-makers, public health professionals, community members, and organizational leaders to discuss Latinx health and identify areas of opportunity to work collectively. The theme of the conference is “Advancing a just COVID-19 recovery plan and achieving Latinx health equity through systems transformation.” The goal is to come out of the conference with a more comprehensive and detailed scan of the policy areas and issue items that are current priorities. LCHC is strongly positioned as a leader with a large network across California to host the summit and bring together equity champions from across the spectrum. We have supported this organization in the past as part of the Grassroots Initiative. The budget of $2,000 would go towards conference costs including the virtual platform and summit coordinators.