Children's Alliance (WA)
100 S. King St.
Seattle, WA
United States
Children’s Alliance is an organization with a mission to improve the well-being of children in the state of Washington by effecting public change in policies and statewide programs. Children’s Alliance is seeking funding from CareQuest Institute to advocate for expanded access to oral health for children using the following organizational approach: legislative advocacy, mobilization of community members, strategic communications, collaboration with other partners, accountability to marginalized populations and prioritization of racial justice and equity.
To expand on its racial justice approach, Children’s Alliance shared a robust set of equity-related questions used to determine its advocacy campaigns each year; if the campaign is specifically designed to reduce or prevent racial disparities; if the campaign reduces historical injustice; and if the campaign will take into consideration intersectional elements of diversity including gender, sexual orientation, and ableism.
The two specific policies that Children’s Alliance will focus on within this approach are community water fluoridation, and more intensely, the introduction of Dental Therapy outside of tribal areas in Washington. The Children’s Alliance manages the Washington Dental Access Campaign, whose primary mission is to introduce, refine, and pass dental therapy legislation in Washington outside of tribal lands.
Key activities of the proposed work include: 1) outreach to child-serving professionals and parents of young children to learn more about barriers to oral health care for children in Washington, 2) deliver training and technical assistance for consumer advocates to speak around oral health policy issues to legislators and the press, 3) continued leadership of the Washington Dental Access Campaign, and participation in additional statewide coalitions addressing oral health issues and health in general, and 4) traditional advocacy activity with legislature including testimony, relationship building, and media pieces.
Children’s Alliance’s proposed works aligns with CareQuest Institute’s strategic intentions to strengthen the oral health workforce, and demonstrates meaningful opportunities to grow support for positive oral health policies within Washington through a consumer-driven approach. This project presents an opportunity for CareQuest Institute to further strengthen the base of funded oral health policy advocates in Washington state, and ultimately promote access to care by expanding the oral health workforce.
The budget for this project is allocates around 50% toward staff time. The next largest line item is for a contract community engagement contractor, who will perform consumer outreach. The remainder of funding is allocated toward staff and event costs. This request represents 8% of the Children’s Alliance overall organizational budget.