
Grant Project Title
General Operating Support for Winter Storm 2021
Grantee Address

Houston Food Bank
535 Portwall St
Houston, TX
United States

The Houston Food Bank has been in disaster mode after the recent storm, providing home deliveries, coordinating large-scale drive-through food distribution centers, and sending out disaster order pallets and products to many of their 1,500 local partners. These pallets include a mix of water, produce, and shelf-stable foods. Their partner organizations include food pantries, shelters for homeless individuals, safe havens for battered women, and nutritional centers for children and the elderly. Houston Food Bank has an 18-county service area, and provides services to individuals and communities in these areas, through their network of partners. This funding of $25,000 would increase Houston Food Bank’s ability to continue to serve those who have been critically impacted by this storm, through purchase of food and distribution costs.

Grant Date
Grant Amount