Kentucky Youth Advocates
10200 Linn Station Road
Louisville, KY
United States
Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA) is Kentucky’s premier organization for data and advocacy for Kentucky youth, and serves as the backbone for the statewide Kentucky Oral Health Coalition. KYA has been a partner of DQP since at least 2009 and, due to their broad policy focus, have led a number of successful advocacy campaigns that have strengthened child program standards around eating and drinking, strengthened policies around tobacco and e-cigarette use, and have played a significant role in supporting and protecting oral health in Medicaid and KCHIP.
With this proposal, KYA will focus on critical windows of opportunity related to 1) passing a state budget that adequately supported oral health in Medicaid and KCHIP, 2) preventing teledentistry policy rollbacks, 3) advocating for funding in the state budget to expand broadband infrastructure to more rural communities, and 4) protecting community water fluoridation. KYA will leverage its role as a statewide leader and bipartisan strength to lead advocacy efforts and measurably demonstrate broad engagement of the statewide Kentucky Oral Health Coalition. Additionally, KYA will engage new grassroots community members in efforts to refine solutions to systemic problems and partner on advocacy efforts. To expand on its operationalizing of a racial equity approach, KYA is intentionally strengthening its relationship with La Casita Center, which will create new pathways for partnering with LatinX and immigrant communities in Kentucky. Some of the key activities in the proposal are to lead a race equity policy scan on identified policy solutions, coordinate a series of advocacy trainings to Kentucky Oral Health Coalition, including new members, produce high impact data reports supporting policy solutions, and collecting stories from LatinX and Black communities to ensure their voices are central.
This funding request is for $115,000 which is primarily for time and supplies associated with implementation of the project. Additionally, it includes a stipend for La Casita to ensure their capacity in partnering on this work.