Connecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI)
53 Oak St.
Hartford, CT
United States
The Connecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI) is the state oral health coalition in Connecticut that strengthens and safeguards access to quality, affordable oral health services for all CT residents. 2020 was the first year that DQP has provided grant funding to COHI and their work was highly effective in advancing person-centered models of care through both deep community engagement and supporting statewide infrastructure. The work culminated in the publishing of a white paper outlining the results of their community-driven approach to designing oral health value metrics, with the intent to work towards implementing them within the states HIE.
This proposal falls under the Advancing Equity program with the Increasing Community Voice and State Advocacy initiative and capitalizes on a critical window of opportunity that has been built through the accomplishments of the previous grant year. Through the development of consensus around oral health value metrics, COHI staff had been appointed to critical committees and tasks forces with the request to help build oral health measures into the states All Payers Claims Database and HIE. As well, through COHI’s engagement of community-based partners, they learned there is a need to partner with community in the implementation of a Medicaid gap analysis to better identify access barriers in the state. This work aligns with DQP priorities to advance person-centered models of care, advance value-based care, and authentically engage communities and community partners in advancing a health equity agenda. This investment is for $125,000 and supports the staff time and materials to implement the project as well as a contractual partnership with the Institute for Community Research.