Grant Project Title
National Medicaid|Medicare|CHIP Oral Health Symposium
"Building a Value-Based Platform to Improve Oral Health Equity"
"Building a Value-Based Platform to Improve Oral Health Equity"
Grantee Address
Medicaid|Medicare|CHIP Services Dental Association
2 Grove Street
Sandwich, MA
United States
This investment supports MSDA’s annual event, the Oral Health Symposium, taking place virtually in early December 2020. This event is a professional development meeting and opportunity for attendees to learn what states are doing to advance value-based programming and apply best practices in their own states. The theme for 2020 is “Building a Value-based Platform to Improve Oral Health Equity.” The virtual event has been expanded to three full days of sessions and workshops, including an interactive Sponsorship Booth. Attendance of the conference is diverse and includes state Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Administrators, health plan representatives, dental professionals, advocates, national professional organizations, academics, and government leaders. The grant amount of $8,500 includes $5,000 toward the virtual platform support, and $3,500 toward membership renewal in the MSDA Corporate Roundtable.
Grant Date
Grant Amount