Grant Project Title
Advancing the Oral Health Movement in Texas
Grantee Address
Texas Health Institute
9111 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX
United States
This grant is to support the Texas Health Institute (THI), in collaboration with the Texas Oral Health Coalition (TxOHC), in strengthening the statewide network, building alignment and leading a strategic advocacy plan, and designing a community-driven research agenda. In recent years, Texas has seen some significant capacity built and policy success in the oral health field, including the legislating of an adult dental benefit pilot for adults with disabilities throughout the state. In continuing to build on this success, through data analysis and research, coalition-building, and galvanizing statewide advocacy efforts, THI and TXOHC will align efforts for the 2021 Texas legislative session and push for broader support for an oral health policy agenda. TxOHC will provide the regional coalitions with capacity building, technical assistance, and lead communications. THI will lead the creation of data reports and other resources. Both organizations will collaborate to drive advocacy efforts and, in particular, look to grow a broader and more essential grassroots movement across the state through partnerships with key organizations in Texas. The budget for this proposal is $150,000 which primarily supports staff time and supplies for THI and the TxOHC to implement the project, as well as contracts for regional contractors to serve as regional oral health network leads.
Grant Date
Grant Amount