Grant Project Title
PCA Oral Health Collaborative Network Facilitation (NOHIIN)
Grantee Address
National Network for Oral Health Access
181 E 56th Avenue
Denver, CO
United States
This investment provides continued support to the National Network for Oral Access (NNOHA) to facilitate and develop opportunities for continued networking, collaboration, and learning among oral health specialists within Primary Care Associations (PCAs) across the country. NNOHA has been a long-term partner in grantmaking efforts surrounding the safety net. Through this partnership, NNOHA can leverage its role as a national advocate for safety-net dental programs and provide resources and tools for PCAs and health centers through the National Oral Health Innovation and Integration Network (NOHIIN). As the funding strategy in support of integrating oral health through the safety net has evolved, this proposal explores how the role of NNOHA will also shift. In addition to providing technical assistance, expertise, and resources, NNOHA will facilitate a collaborative network of PCAs throughout the country to share best practices and learnings, promote collaboration across PCAs, and promote integrated models of primary care that include oral health. Specifically, NNOHA will host monthly virtual meetings of PCAs, facilitate 3 learning community conversations, design and convene 2 in-person gatherings of PCAs, 1 of which will be a part of NNOHA’s annual meeting; develop a NOHIIN page on the NNOHA website with resources on oral health integration, value-based care, health equity, etc.; and create 2 webinars on topics of the network’s choice. $103,107 will be used to support personnel time to facilitate the collaborative, meeting expenses for 2 convenings, travel to attend relevant conferences, webinar development, and other administrative costs associated with the proposal’s implementation.
Grant Date
Grant Amount