Grant Project Title
RESTORE: Expanding Dental Services for Adults with Disabilities
Grantee Address
Coalition of Texans with Disabilities
1716 San Antonio St.
Austin, TX
United States
This investment supports the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities to advance Medicaid policy to expand access to public adult dental benefits in Texas. This aligns with the DentaQuest Partnerships priorities to promote health equity in Texas, engage grassroots partners in systems-change advocacy, and expand access to public adult dental benefits. The political and policy opportunity stems from legislation passing in the 2017 legislative session to study the cost analysis with expanding the dental benefit to adult Texans with disabilities and then in the 2018 Texas legislative session to authorize a pilot of the program. Specific work and outcomes for 2020 include: building policy champions in the state legislature and Governor’s office, organize the coalition of disability advocates to provide written and verbal testimony in legislative hearings, and launching targeted advocacy and communications campaigns in key areas of the state. $83,798 supports time, travel, and supplies associated with the deliverables as well as a contract with Texas Advocates to support with training and communications capacity.
Grant Date
Grant Amount