Grant Project Title
Advancing person-centered oral health care via state initiatives and county plans
Grantee Address
Children Now
1404 Franklin Street, Suite 700
United States
This investment supports Children Now to advance models of person-centered care through engaging in policy advocacy to support the expanded role of registered dental hygienists in alternative practice and the implementation of telehealth services are placed at primary care sites in California. This is in alignment with the DentaQuest Partnership priorities to pursue person-centered models of care. The opportunity that exists in California right now relates to the development of a new 1115 waiver, the current policy turmoil related to implementation of telehealth services, and the off-ramping of the Dental Transformation Initiative. The outcomes of this work include clarified legislative language that supports broad implementation of telehealth services, increased integration of oral health into upcoming 1115 waiver projects, and increased scope of services for registered dental hygienists in alternative practice. $100,000 supports time, travel, and supplies associated with implementation of the project.
Grant Date
Grant Amount