Grant Project Title
Native American Connections Oral Health Initiative
Grantee Address
Native American Connections
United States
This investment supports Native American Connections (NAC) to center the experiences of Native American’s in oral health and policy advocacy related to workforce and the expansion of Medicaid adult dental benefits. This is in alignment with the DentaQuest Partnerships priorities to promote health equity in Arizona, engage grassroots partners in systems-change advocacy, and expand access to public adult dental benefits. Specifically, the outcomes include passage of the dental benefit for pregnant women, allocation of funding to support services for homeless youth and families, increased funding for Housing Trust Fund, implementation of a CMS waiver to remove caps in HIS/tribal 638 clinics, and development of a Health Education Center for Native Americans. $121,155 supports staff time and travel associated with deliverables as well as contract support for communications associated with a statewide campaign and Get Out The Vote campaign.
Grant Date
Grant Amount