
Grant Project Title
Native American Connections Oral Health Initiative
Grantee Address

Native American Connections
United States

The purpose of this grant is to continue to build the capacity of healthcare consumers in Arizona to meaningfully engage in policy and systems change; to improve the public perception of the value of oral health to overall health; to enhance collaborative, cross-blade infrastructure processes, shared power, and decision-making; and to elevate health equity and social justice approaches within the Oral Health Progress and Equity Network that are fully informed by, and reflective of, community voices. Through the deeper connection with the communities in Arizona, NAC and other partners identified expanded workforce solutions and collaboratively influenced policy. The work in this proposal continues to strengthen statewide capacity to implement new workforce strategies through continuing to center the voices of Native communities in the implementation process. Civic engagement has been a cornerstone of the work in Arizona and strategies to mobilize stakeholders will be central to the work in 2019. Additionally, NAC will look to advocate for additional program and policy changes that reduce barriers to care for Medicaid enrollees This aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goal of shifting the public perception of oral health with a target of increasing oral health in overall health dialogue and in public policy. The budget for this proposal is $70,800 and is primarily to support for staff time to implement the project.
Grant Date
Grant Amount