
Grant Project Title
Grantee Address

Arcora Foundation
400 Fairview Ave N
Seattle, WA
United States

This investment supports the Arcora Foundation, formerly known as the Washington Dental Services Foundation to serve as the fiscal agent for the re-structuring and strategic planning process of the National Interprofessional Initiative on Oral Health (NIIOH). Specifically, through this grant, key partners will identify and expand the NIIOH advisory committee and leverage partnerships to inform a revisioning process resulting in a new strategic plan that provides direction for the long-term strategy supporting NIIOH. The organization is currently undertaking a strategic planning process to determine its priorities for 2019 and beyond and the best structure that aligns with this vision. In 2019, NIIOH is working to create and align structural requirements across its programs, administrative systems, governance, and diversified funding stream. $200,000 will be used to support the personnel time needed for the development of tools and resources focused on integrating oral health into overall health, engaging partners through Smiles for Life; and expanding NIIOH's role when it comes to advancing an interprofessional strategy in both education and care practice settings.
Grant Date
Grant Amount