Grant Project Title
Supporting and Expanding the Network to Achieve Oral Health Equity for California's Most Vulnerable Children
Grantee Address
The Children's Partnership
811 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1000
Los Angeles, CA
United States
This funding supports The Children’s Partnership in elevating the voices and oral health needs of children of color and immigrant families within local and statewide policies and systems. This project builds on their past work to apply a health equity lens within the statewide and national oral health agenda and provide leadership and mobilization related to the impact of immigration policies on oral health. Specifically, this work includes leveraging institutional relationships with the newly elected Governor and his administration to support oral health within a broader early childhood agenda. This also includes working to disseminate local and regional work related to oral health in the border region of California and through piloting the use of technology to empower community health workers to integrate oral health. This project aligns with the OH2020 goal of shifting the public perception of oral health as a part of overall health.
The budget for this is $125,800 and primarily goes to support staff salary, as well as the cost to publicize and disseminate several reports and to contract with a part-time subject matter expert.
Grant Date
Grant Amount