Grant Project Title
State/Facilitating Networks for System Change
Grantee Address
Maryland Dental Action Coalition, Inc.
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD
United States
This investment supports the Maryland Dental Action Coalition (MDAC) to continue to serve as the backbone organization of the oral health network in Maryland by connecting and bridging activities and engaging new traditional and non-traditional partners. In 2018, MDAC and its partners made significant progress in expanding Medicaid adult dental benefits in the state and will continue this effort in the coming year. Specifically, in 2019 MDAC will form and facilitate a Medicaid adult dental collaborative to help ensure the success of the Medicaid adult dental pilot program; map areas of provider shortages in the state and focus workforce development efforts in those areas of high need; continue to cultivate champions in Maryland Senate and House; and lead statewide implementation of the Maryland Oral Health Plan. The proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 goal of including an adult dental benefit in publicly funded health coverage and that at least 30 states have an extensive Medicaid adult dental benefit. $65,800 will be used to support personnel time and travel throughout the state, convenings, communications materials, and technology and other supplies needed to implement the work.
Grant Date
Grant Amount