
Grantee Address

Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
United States

Arizona: This investment supports the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers (AACHC) in its role as a leading primary care association in the Strengthening the Oral Health Safety Net Learning Collaborative. In partnership with the four other matriculating primary care associations, this group of leaders will work together to design and implement a learning collaborative that spreads successful strategies emerging from the Strengthening the Oral Health Initiative to additional safety net partners across the country. Through a facilitated process, the five partnering primary care associations will consolidate effective strategies into a comprehensive change package of resources, and then design and implement dissemination activities that engage new primary care associations in improving their capacity to support the oral health programs within their community health centers. This learning collaborative will impact all of the Foundation’s systems change priorities by supporting the role of the safety net in the broader oral health movement. The safety net is a critical component of all of the Oral Health 2020 Goals and Targets. $75,000 will support staff time and travel associated with leading the learning collaborative.
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