
Grantee Address

Dept. of Health Services-County of Sonoma
United States

California: This investment supports the Department of Health Services-Sonoma County’s Dental Health Program to build a dental health network using a collective impact model to strengthen and connect stakeholders with the goal of achieving systems change and improving the oral health of all in Sonoma County. Specifically, the organization will serve as the backbone of a countywide effort to conceive a shared vision for dental health systems change, conduct a system mapping project to survey existing programs services and identify duplicative efforts and gaps, and develop a shared measurement system that stakeholders will use to collect and report data on progress.This network aims to develop a sustainable collaborative community system to improves access to preventive oral health care and education for low-income children throughout Sonoma County, addressing health disparities and high levels of untreated and urgent denal disease among the county’s underserved population. $162,725 will be used to support personnel time to oversee the project, monitor benchmarks, and develop reports and evaluation plans; consultant services to facilitate meetings and plan network meetings and the Dental Health Summit; meeting expenses; communication efforts; and administrative costs associated with the implementation of this work. This proposal aligns with the Oral Health 2020 Goal 4 of eradicating dental disease in children and the target that 75% of children reach age 5 without a cavity.
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