Grantee Address
Virginia Oral Health Coalition
United States
Virginia: This investment supports the Virginia Oral Health Coalition (VaOHC) to strengthen and empower the oral health network in Virginia to facilitate advocacy, education, and awareness activities. Specifically, VaOHC will provide the infrastructure and leadership to nurture and expand the current oral health network to include representatives from health systems and payers who are currently at the forefront of the changing health care infrastructure in Virginia, traditionally underrepresented minority populations, and the provider community. This expanded network will bring the additional expertise, connections, ideas, and energy necessary to enable programs and policies that integrate oral health into ever-changing health care systems. This broader network will work collectively toward the Oral Health 2020 target to "ensure that emerging patient-centered care models in Virginia include oral health" by focusing on the drivers of effective care models, care provider engagement, and effective financing models. $199,996 will support the personnel and stakeholder convening capacity needed to expand the network’s footprint and circle of influence to achieve a shared vision where oral health is integrated into all aspects of Virginia’s health care landscape.
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