Grantee Address
University of Texas
United States
Texas: This investment supports the University of Texas Foundation to form a network of coordinated resources by weaving programmatic leadership and skills of the Laredo-based Miles of Smiles-Laredo (MOS) and the Houston-based Project Saving Smiles (PSS) oral health programs. Specific objectives of the project include improving the oral health status of elementary school children living along the Texas-Mexico border by continuing a model school-based program that utilizes SmilesMaker© to collect and track data, expanding SmilesMaker© to incorporate all modules of the basic screening survey (BSS) for population surveillance, and evolving the case management network though the creation of the “My School” and “My Dentist” portals on SmilesMaker© to effectively link children with urgent dental needs to a provider. All three objectives of this proposal align with the Oral Health 2020 goal of including oral health in school systems and the target of having 10 of the largest school districts have oral health incorporated into their systems. The work will focus on school administration, staff, community/school partner, and family engagement, as well as provider/care access/network and oral health education for students and families. $195,097 will support staffing, program operations, and other expenses required to support the proposed work.
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