
Grantee Address

Envision 2020
United States

Alabama: This investment supports Envision 2020 initiative to increase access to dental care in the River Region of Alabama; $5,000 is to sponsor an Oral Health Conference on September 12, "Oral Health, Why Should it Matter?" and $40,000 for a program director to implement action that stems from the conference as a Collective Impact initiative. Envision 2020 implements goals formulated from regional public meetings that cover topics from downtown development, to transportation to healthcare. This investment helps to ensure that the "visions of the people" become reality through strategic collaborative planning among citizens with leaders in business and government in a five-county region surrounding Montgomery, Alabama; their ultimate healthcare vision if for a medical and dental home for every resident of the River Region. A $5,000 grant from the President’s Fund will improve access to oral health care in the Montgomery, Alabama area.
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