
Grantee Address

GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project
United States

Funding to support the GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project’s 20th Anniversary Celebration. The reception and auction will attract over 200 professionals from the greater Boston area who have a vested interest in GLBTQ issues and support the organization’s mission to assist and support victims and survivors of domestic violence, focusing on the GLBTQ community, to bring about responsive public policy, and to increase access to culturally competent services. Over the past 20 years, GLBTQ-DVP has been at the forefront of creating services for GLBTQ survivors. Currently, GLBTQ-DVP provides direct services throughout Massachusetts, including: emergency safe home, 24‐hour hotline, legal services, safety planning, individual advocacy, sexual assault case management, counseling and support groups, education, and outreach. This event aligns with the Foundation’s commitment to strong community prevention and care infrastructure. Grant funds will be used to support the organization’s mission and ensure that individuals and families are able to live in safety, free from violence.
Grant Date
Grant Amount