Grantee Address
Future Smiles
United States
Support to Future Smiles (FS) to support the implementation of a community and school-based program that will provide increased access to oral health care and education to at-risk student populations and their educators in Nevada. Activities during implementation will include: providing oral health services to at-risk student populations; improving oral health literacy to educators and support staff from 3 target schools; and conducting pre-and-post evaluations to determine the efficacy of the program and its overall impact on student academic performance. This program will analyze the link between students’ engagement and access to oral health care and their academic performance. FS activities will help support DentaQuest Foundation’s commitment to the integration of oral health into education and social services, promoting optimal oral health literacy and building a strong community prevention and care infrastructure. In support of Oral Health 2020, FS efforts align with the Foundation’s focus on eradicating dental disease in children by improving community awareness and access to information on oral health, increasing oral health literacy and promoting optimal home health practices. FS activities also support the Foundation’s Oral Health 2020 goal of incorporating oral health into the primary education system by increasing staff education in and building school champions for oral health, developing advocacy leadership in schools and communities and providing oral health education for students. Grant funds will support personnel and consultant time during the implementation of the program, material costs for dental supplies to be provided to students and teachers and overhead costs associated with the execution of the plan.
Grant Date
Grant Amount