
Grantee Address

University of Hawaii
United States

Continued funding support to the University of Hawaii to begin the Implementation Phase of the Oral Health 2014 Initiative, and to realize their vision of impact that: all under-served children in Hawaii will have a dental home and be provided with comprehensive preventive services. Activities during implementation will include: the development of a comprehensive school-based prevention and referral network that will provide access to care and prevention for Hawaii’s underserved children; the implementation of an electronic record system to track school children’s oral health status; the development of an oral health measurement system for school children’s oral health status; and the creation and hopeful adoption of a comprehensive children’s oral health policy for the state’s public school system. Hawaii’s activities over the next two years will align with the Foundation’s focus on incorporating oral health into public education systems by designing and implementing programming that will promote systems improvement in Hawaii public schools, and will also help advance the focus on comprehensive oral health measurement systems. Grant funds will support staff guidance of the implementation plan, overhead costs associated with the execution of the plan, and consultant support for the development of an oral health measurement system for Hawaii school children.
Grant Date
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