
Grantee Address

Trustees of Tufts College: Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
United States

Continued funding to support Trustees of Tufts College (Tufts) to build innovative programs that reinforce interprofesional training and a model of dental practice that supports the integration of oral and systemic health. Activities during implementation will include: Engaging the Interprofessional Education (IPE) Director and Tufts faculty to build expertise in IPE practices including program development, assessment, and faculty training; integrating interprofessional learning models and competencies across the dental school curriculum; building professional culture at Tufts that recognizes and embraces the importance of interprofessional, collaborative dental practice; and developing new relationships with IPE partner training programs and institutions in the Boston area. Tufts’ activities will align with the Foundation’s focus on effective inclusion of oral health in patient-centered care models by integrating interprofessional learning at multiple levels including curriculum development, clinic-based pilots, simulation learning, and community service projects. Grant funds will support the personnel to lead the activities outlined in the plan, equipment costs, and other related overhead expenses.
Grant Date
Grant Amount